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"A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside." ~ Denis Waitley
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Monday, May 23, 2011

All Hail Abigail George

Today I wish to bring to you’re attention a gifted and brilliant poet. She was born in Port Elizabeth during apartheid times. She matured during at the dawn of the new democracy. Her work however, reveals that as a very sensitive child she might have grown to experience and understand things on a higher plane and paradigm than other children her age.

I first came to know of Abigail in 1997 when I befriended her sister. At first it was cool to learn that all three of us shared a birthday. I was exposed to her work before I met her in person. Her sister would often bring magazines that had published some of Abigail’s poetry. It was such a treat because in my eyes she was an instant celebrity author.

As I got to meet with her over the years I became grateful to know her. She always seemed to understand whatever troubles I was facing. She never really offered any advice now that I think about it, but it was always so refreshing to know that someone out there understands. Which, I promise you is a big deal when you are a teenager or a young adult still struggling to decipher the code of life.

Abigail doesn’t just deserve an honorary doctorate for being my tender shrink. She is worthy of an award for living life. She completed some of her high school in a foreign country, has worked in the film industry. She has travelled and seen exotic locations. I think it is art of living that has allowed her to experience adventures that made it possible for her to write so beautifully and eloquently. She writes in such a delicate manner which unavoidably transports you into her world.

That being said, I would love to introduce you to her anthology of poems “Africa, Where Art Thou?” with the following poem: 
Africa, where art thou? A collection of poems by Abigail George.
Fire in Bosnia 1992
The international press talk
In tongues reminiscent of old
Breathe air through iron lungs
Here the colour of death is bold.
War wounds are like stigmata
Earth signs pale in comparison
They wash over you like a downpour
Of rain over a suit of armour.
Residents in a crumbling community
Are much like a sculpture
An ethereal intrusion
In the eye of the beholder.

This book promises to be a valuable addition to your personal library. It has received raving reviews and a few have been added below. The book is available directly from the publishers, Drum Beat Media. Alternatively you can email the author, Abigail George, directly at

Abigail George writes with the sensitivity that touches all who devour her poetry.
KHANYILE MLOTSHWA, writer and journalist, Sunday News Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

In this collection of small and large framed poetry are portraits capable of lingering for a long time.
AHMED MAIWADA, poet, literary critic, Nigeria

            DORELLE ISAACS, educationalist, South Africa