Come in...

"A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside." ~ Denis Waitley
Hello and welcome to my blog.

Thank you for taking the time out to travel through life with me. I'm still trying to discover blogging. Right now I'm going to use this as a platform to air my random views. I invite you to share your valuable insights and concerns by clicking on 'comments'. It might be easier to comment if you have a gmail account or are a follower. I will try to update the blog weekly.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Long Absense

Hello guys...

I've been gone for a while hey! phew... sorry about that. I picked up a really bad flu virus from this girl I know and it had it's way with me for a few weeks... I took some time off work and went home to get some rest...

I figured I really needed some rest... life is hard when you hate your job! okay... maybe hate is a strong word... but I really really dislike it... I hope that is diplomatic enough. I try to focus on good things... okay... maybe good things is also not the right word.... I focus on what I can get out of this job... I have to psych myself up daily just to see the pay off... Mainly because I have to convince myself that the pay off really is a pay off.

Some of the things I've considered is a good reference... This is my first real job ever so I desparately need a good reference... unless I go off and become my own boss... and I've thought about that numerous times. I think I spend most of my time cooking up business ideas. I keep an "ideas journal" just for that... It used to be a "dates journal"... but that is a whole other post... it should suffice to say that I'm going green and recycling... btw I recycle gifts too... except for shoes and handbags...

The other pay offs I guess are for my own personal benefit... you know, character building stuff... Hanging in when things are bad and it seems too hard to carry on; saying nothing to the mean girls when all you want to do is dish up a warm serving of a b!&#h slap; going on strike and forfeiting a whole week's pay becuase the employers is negotiating in bad faith and paying you peanuts; surviving office politics and all sort of nonsense.... Bitter-sweet things... It's as Azania Ndoro said: "Maintain your relationships. They won't necessarily pay off immediately, but working well with people is critical, no matter what you do."

Anyway... One thins is for sure... I'm destined for big, great, elaborate and amazing things... I make my own pay offs; my own destiny. I am the author of my life [can't remember who said that] and I choose to love my life no matter how hard it is...


  1. It’s good to have you back. I am now convinced I have no friends... When you where gone I didn’t Skype one single person, didn’t have anyone to call or to send an email. I was not really bothered by this situation until over the weekend I watched “ I Love You, Man”. For those whose have seen it will know it’s not so easy to make friends and not look wired( because you are also trying to not to act like you are trying too hard, but in truth you are).

  2. aaaahhhhh Yolisa :) it's a pleasure being your friend... and yes, you are right, it's hard to make friends without sounding, looking and feeling creepy... i guess that is why when we grow older we can count how many friends we have. i think i am going to try to watch that movie... i have to look for it first...
