Come in...

"A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside." ~ Denis Waitley
Hello and welcome to my blog.

Thank you for taking the time out to travel through life with me. I'm still trying to discover blogging. Right now I'm going to use this as a platform to air my random views. I invite you to share your valuable insights and concerns by clicking on 'comments'. It might be easier to comment if you have a gmail account or are a follower. I will try to update the blog weekly.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's My Party and I'll Cry if I Want To

I think I've had about 600 hairstyles in the last 3 years.

Well... I think that speaks for itself

The event organising kinda landed on my lap. I think I've learned a few nifty tricks as well :)

We all need to belong to a good union that goes on strike every now and then! Otherwise, why do we work...

My husband took that picure the last time in was in CT... We were in Camps Bay.

YUP! That H O T T I E  belongs to me :)

I had to blur the street name to protect my friend... But if you are in town and know where to find us, pop in! The more the merrier...

One nice thing about being at SAIAB is all the free Xhosa lesson I had. New word of the month is: ntiga... my husband says it means to soar... like the birds... high up in the sky :)

I'm leaving town... It's starting to settle in. My friends at work have organised a little party to send me off. The pictures above are from the slide show they emailed. It's so cute :) I will miss them much. I'll put some pictures up on the blog some time later when I settle in at my new home.

I'm hungry and I'm off to lunch now... I still have soooo many things to do before I leave this joint....

Peace out!
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Hello... since today is one of those days that will never happen again... you know what i mean... because i know someone out there is getting clever and is mumbling: so is every other day... but take a look at the number play for a while and you will get what i mean... i figured since i haven't written in a long time i should just share some fun facts with you so that you may get to know me better...

who am i?
well... i think this one is easy. i'm UNATHI. i'm the first of three children but people often think i'm the last born. i think it's because they think i'm spoilt... i beg to differ... i've been showered with love. that is how i would put it.
where do i come from?
i come from good stock! my parents are both teachers. so i will always respect teachers. they do such an amazing job. my dad works in a 'normal' school and my mom in a school for mentally handicapped children. growing up i used to relish stories about my parent's dayd to day activities at school. i was born in apartheid SA but i didn't realise it until after 1993, possible mid 1994. i was aware of people going on toyi-toyis and stuff, but i always stayed away from that. i was too young anyway. my parents never taught me hate, but rather love of self. i treasure the fact that i come from The Friendly City, Port Elizabeth.
where have i been?
well! i've been to a lot of places. both literally and figuratively. i've lived with people from a diversity of cultures and socio-economic backgrounds. i've experienced hurt, pain, joy, hope, confusion, distress and immense ecstacy. i wouldn't dare say that i've done it all. but i've seen a lot. some of which i wish i didn't see. i've had my naivity smacked right out of me. i've been traumatised by the things i've seen in the work place!
where am i going?
i'm still trying to figure this one out. i know... old as i am... but hey! i'm enjoying the journey. i have just quit my job and i'm leaving everything i know and love behind. i love adventures and i believe that life shouldn't be approached with trepidation. i belive that as long the people that matter suppoort me, then it doesn't matter what anyone else says. 
what makes me wake up?
sunrise! really. who needs an alarm when there is dawn... often i wake up before the sun rises. but anyway... things that make me wake up is my family. the opportunity to love them and be loved back... that is worth the early morning wake up call.
what are my pet peeves?
hypocrites... goody-two-shoes... mean people...and people who think they are better than others...
my favourites...
blue, vw bettle, home made lasagne, receiving hugs, glorious food!
miscellenious things i couldn't fit under a heading...
i am left handed. and i used to bake banana loaf to sell.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

New Beginnings

There is something liberating about a count down. I’m sure we are all familiar with the most famous count-down off all. It happens every year without fail. Many will torture themselves and pump their stomach full of energy drinks just so that they don’t miss the moment. Others will gather en masse at public places, others in more private settings.  Some will cuddle up with a bowl of popcorn, while millions adorn glow sticks and all together, the people of the globe one by one wait their turn to hail in the New Year!

While pyrotechnicians embellish the sky with firework displays, many resolve to dump old habits and boyfriend, learn new skill and in essence become better persons. I’ve never been anywhere where New Year’s Eve is not full of energy and vooma. There’s something about new beginnings that spurs people on.

I guess I’m filled with the same energy and excitement. There are two months left before the year comes to an end, but my own personal life is taking a direction that is so new to me that I can’t help but be excited. I can’t explain the feeling. I’m leaving everything I know behind; all my creature comforts and all my hiding places. I am going to a new home. A new neighbourhood. A new city. A new lifestyle. A new purpose. A new focus. A new name. A new life. A fresh beginning.

The only thing I’m taking with me that is old is my clothes. I’m tempted to give them away as well as start completely afresh. 

New life, endless possibilities!
 Now and then pangs of fear creep in. But I refuse to entertain thoughts that might cripple me. I’ve complained about my condition for far too long and it’s about time I took charge of the things that I’m in control of. I refuse to let doubt cloud my judgment. Living safely has made me miserable somewhat… it’s time I took some risks! I want a chance at happiness too.

So, my count-down begins. In 20 days I bid farewell to Grahamstown, City of Saints. Then I take a detour to Port Elizabeth, I’ve got to get some love from my mother [I’ve always been a mama’s baby], father, brother and sister. And then it’s HELLO Cape Town! I’m ready to paint the town in my favourite colours…