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"A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside." ~ Denis Waitley
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Thank you for taking the time out to travel through life with me. I'm still trying to discover blogging. Right now I'm going to use this as a platform to air my random views. I invite you to share your valuable insights and concerns by clicking on 'comments'. It might be easier to comment if you have a gmail account or are a follower. I will try to update the blog weekly.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

New Beginnings

There is something liberating about a count down. I’m sure we are all familiar with the most famous count-down off all. It happens every year without fail. Many will torture themselves and pump their stomach full of energy drinks just so that they don’t miss the moment. Others will gather en masse at public places, others in more private settings.  Some will cuddle up with a bowl of popcorn, while millions adorn glow sticks and all together, the people of the globe one by one wait their turn to hail in the New Year!

While pyrotechnicians embellish the sky with firework displays, many resolve to dump old habits and boyfriend, learn new skill and in essence become better persons. I’ve never been anywhere where New Year’s Eve is not full of energy and vooma. There’s something about new beginnings that spurs people on.

I guess I’m filled with the same energy and excitement. There are two months left before the year comes to an end, but my own personal life is taking a direction that is so new to me that I can’t help but be excited. I can’t explain the feeling. I’m leaving everything I know behind; all my creature comforts and all my hiding places. I am going to a new home. A new neighbourhood. A new city. A new lifestyle. A new purpose. A new focus. A new name. A new life. A fresh beginning.

The only thing I’m taking with me that is old is my clothes. I’m tempted to give them away as well as start completely afresh. 

New life, endless possibilities!
 Now and then pangs of fear creep in. But I refuse to entertain thoughts that might cripple me. I’ve complained about my condition for far too long and it’s about time I took charge of the things that I’m in control of. I refuse to let doubt cloud my judgment. Living safely has made me miserable somewhat… it’s time I took some risks! I want a chance at happiness too.

So, my count-down begins. In 20 days I bid farewell to Grahamstown, City of Saints. Then I take a detour to Port Elizabeth, I’ve got to get some love from my mother [I’ve always been a mama’s baby], father, brother and sister. And then it’s HELLO Cape Town! I’m ready to paint the town in my favourite colours…


  1. Wow, such a lovely read Unz. I am excited for you gal - all the best. Have fun and enjoy Cape Town, ungasilibali kodwa. i'm sure you'll be happy in Cape Town. from Xolelwa...Bon Voyage

  2. thanks Xoli... i will always remember you guys... i need a card reader because i want to put up some pictures of GHT before i go. mine is somewhere in PE... last sunday i walked to church and was taking pictures along the way...

  3. Congrats!!!! Again..but im so happy for you...U deserve evey inch of love that Heavenly Father has preserved for and you both know it!
    This is not a goodbye but a See you later...coz I know I will see you some day again...:)
    Michelle Lottering

  4. hey Michelle. there is no need for you to feel like you even need to say goodbye! we chat almost all the time... on FB. now, you can just keep updated about what is going on in my life. i wish i could write everyday... but maybe with time, i will write with increasing frequency and it will feel like i never left! thanks for the well wishes...
