Come in...

"A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside." ~ Denis Waitley
Hello and welcome to my blog.

Thank you for taking the time out to travel through life with me. I'm still trying to discover blogging. Right now I'm going to use this as a platform to air my random views. I invite you to share your valuable insights and concerns by clicking on 'comments'. It might be easier to comment if you have a gmail account or are a follower. I will try to update the blog weekly.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover

Generally I'm an open book. I can hardly keep my own secrets secret. I find that I have to share! I share everything I can, and I appreciate a willing audience... okay, I accept that most of the time my audience is compelled to listen... but the story is still the same... I love to share. If I were a celebrity, I would invite the press to my home.
I have a good reason why I love to share so much. Mainly I don't like gossip. And I loath rumours, especially if they are about me. So to circumvent that, I've devised a plan to kinda tell my secrets.

But that being said, I still love some privacy. I love keeping certain things to myself. There are some big changes in my life at present. Initially I had told just a few people, simply because they were intergral to having the secret thing happen. It's kinda like when you are planning a secret party of sorts and the baker and the florist know what's going on except the person in whose honour the party is being held. I had such a secret... Only in my case, the baker slash florist went and told the press... Now my secret has been headline news for some time now, so to speak!

I hate it when that happens. Why do people assume that just because I love sharing what goes on in my life, that that gives them permission to publish my news? So what if it's good news? We are conditioned from an early age to not say bad things about each other. And that apparently rumours are made up of bad things only. Well, if it's not your news to tell, don't tell it. Good or bad! If I don't mention it on FB, twitter of even the blog, please respect my right to tell my own stories.

That is all i had to say today... I jut wanted to vent!

You will know the secret soon. Sooner than you think...


  1. So I respect your right for you to tell your own stories. Where are you going Unathi? I am going to really miss you if are leaving Grahamstown.

  2. People in my office are starting to think am “losing it”. Every time I read a piece you write I just laugh, and then again I have always said you were funny. In fact I think you should think about going so stand up. People like you tell other peoples stories. I think maybe so they can be the first one people heard the story from. Maybe I creates some sense of importance from being the first person who knew. Yes people let Unathi tell her own story.

  3. Aya-yaya-ya! Yoyo you always make me shine brighter than i actually am... i'm sooo dim, it's not funny. [HELL NO!]

    and Tesh... if you must know, i'm going to Cape Town.

    And as for the secret, give me a week or two to put it into words...
