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"A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside." ~ Denis Waitley
Hello and welcome to my blog.

Thank you for taking the time out to travel through life with me. I'm still trying to discover blogging. Right now I'm going to use this as a platform to air my random views. I invite you to share your valuable insights and concerns by clicking on 'comments'. It might be easier to comment if you have a gmail account or are a follower. I will try to update the blog weekly.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dreams and Resolutions

I just got news that a lady who is dear to me has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). This news comes just days after I found out that my cousin is in hospital in a critical condition and is suffering from meningitis.

To be honest; I've lost touch with my friend and cousin over the last few months, and I don't think that a few occasional on their Facebook profiles count as keeping in touch. I still care deeply for both and will keep them in my prayers. The fact that your life can be so full and overwhelming and then in a twinkle be swiftly changed to an unfamiliar state scares the black out of me. Both these guys are young... Full of promise and aspirations; so much for them to see, do and feel.

However there is something about their present conditions which brings me to resolve a few things. Now I know that resolutions are things that we do at New Year's Day and then spend the whole year tryin to find reasons why we don't care much about fulfilling them. However since I've had to dael with some pretty disturbing news and I guess I've had to endure my own personal hell; which hell seriously puts in jeopardy my sanity. I must confess I have a new respect for mental health. Just yesterday another friend was telling me about how the doctor sent him off to a 'retreat' because he was under immense stress. I've had two friends that I know of who've been to this kind of 'retreat'. Both were sent there because of personal problems. My mental anguish however stems from my work environment and it is quickly spilling into my personal life. If I don't watch out I might have to go to the 'retreat' myself... I've said before that I'm losing my joie de vie. I guess to protect myself and those I care about I've decided to do the following thing:
  • regular exercise
  • finish my thesis
  • write regularly
  • read more
  • create more bookmarks and
  • dream BIG!!!
 I'm a fan of dreaming big! my dreams sustain me and give me hope for a better tomorrow. Right now my big dream is a simple one. I want to take some time off to just be me. So don't be surprised if one of these days you bump into me carrying a shopping bag during your work hours :)


  1. A quick update... My friend is taking a treatment for her chronic condition. All of us her friends are thinking about her and hope that she remains strong and doesn't let the condition overcome who she is... She's a jubilant little spirit.

    My cousin on the other hand is not so lucky. He lost his battle a few minutes ago. Gosh! I miss him already...

  2. m so sori abt ur cuz dear , bt dnt worry hz in a safe palce with god nw

  3. Thanks Sesona for your caring words :)
