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"A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside." ~ Denis Waitley
Hello and welcome to my blog.

Thank you for taking the time out to travel through life with me. I'm still trying to discover blogging. Right now I'm going to use this as a platform to air my random views. I invite you to share your valuable insights and concerns by clicking on 'comments'. It might be easier to comment if you have a gmail account or are a follower. I will try to update the blog weekly.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Life, Oh Life!

I also want to have more life in my years :)
Man… So much has happened. I’m back in town and online, but not for long. I don’t think I’ve even had the time to rest my little head and precious feet. I’ve got other adventures tugging at me from all sides.

The sick person I went to see is really sick. It’s a challenging condition both mentally and physically. So many people are affected. All I can say is that this is life-changing. It’s also weird that even though there is this challenging condition to deal with, life seems to be full of hope; full of promise and good fortune. I know that it’s prompted a few changes in my life.

For starters, my boyfriend’s mother told me to scrap my ‘lifestyle change’ – aka my diet :) hmmm…. And I must say I find that I enjoy food more. I feel happy when I eat. I feel so happy I went to buy some vegetables :)

For the main course, I’ve decided to resign. I’m handing in letter in a few minutes. It’s best this way. I’ve been talking about how unhappy I am at work since the beginning of this blog. I fear that I’m starting to sound like a scratched CD [my 17 year old sister won’t know what a broken record is]. So I’ve done what most consider unthinkable. I’ve resigned and I have not job waiting for me. Well, as far as I’m concerned, my sanity comes first. Few people understand how miserable I get because of this job. Maybe it’s not the job, maybe it’s my attitude. Either way, it’s almost three years and the status quo hasn’t changed. It’s time to move on. And moving on is what I will be doing.

Now for dessert, I’ve decided to go back to school. Well… Technically I’m still at school. Got my thesis to finish… But after that, I will be back at school doing another thesis, this time on Genetic Counselling. It’s a combination of three things that I love: talking, people and genetics :) I must just find the application deadline from their website… Otherwise I’m going to call in favours.

Aaaaahhhhh…. I feel so happy and light…
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