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"A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside." ~ Denis Waitley
Hello and welcome to my blog.

Thank you for taking the time out to travel through life with me. I'm still trying to discover blogging. Right now I'm going to use this as a platform to air my random views. I invite you to share your valuable insights and concerns by clicking on 'comments'. It might be easier to comment if you have a gmail account or are a follower. I will try to update the blog weekly.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Be Right Back

Hey guys...

Something dreadful has come up and I will be away for the rest of the week. I can't divulge all the details now but I will at a later stage. As I write this, I'm getting ready to leave town in 29 minutes. It's going to be a long journey through the night. I must say, this 9/11 weekend has been one I won't forget for a long time.

It's a mixture of both good and bad. My cousin had a brand new child on Friday! So it's safe to say I have a brand new niece! It's his first girl child and she has three older brothers. All children are named after family; and this one is named after my aunt, her grandmother. I know some of you are going to say... but it's not your niece and blah blah blah... Well when you are African like I am, then your cousin's children are as good as your sibling's children. Your mother's aunt is as good as your own grandmother... So... you find that African children have a multitude of grandparent, aunts, cousins, nephews and nieces... Sometimes the lines are blurred! And everyone becomes a brother or a sister... That was the one good thing that happened this weekend.

We also had my cousin's funeral. I mention him in the post just before this one. It was such a huge funeral. I've never met so much family in one go. I can't even quantify it for you. I don't think I'll ever meet all my family in this life time. The service was great and I am glad that I had a cousin like Mandilakhe. We were just a few months apart and we did almost everthing together when we were knee high. He was my hero actually... lol... hahahahahahaha.... yeah! He didn't really do anything heroic but he knew karate and that was enough for me.

Someone close to me fell ill over the weekend and has been admitted to hospital. That is the reason of my pending absence. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to speak about it... Since a lot of people don't know yet; and of course it's not my story. I'm a sharing person and that makes me feel good. That is the reson why I started this blog. I wanted to speak the crap out of my life. I also understand that some people like a certain measure of privacy...

Guys let me be off... I'll be back soon.

Love you all :)


  1. Nontando Rulashe13 September, 2010 09:13

    Hey mama Dolly, Great blog, keep up the good work.

  2. Uhambe kak'hle vha. And remember whatever happens, bubomi sana!

  3. Hey girl.
    Hope all goes well. It is a sad thing that your cousin left you after such a short illness.
    It's true is it not, most of us meet with our families during funerals. I find its financial constraints more than the leak of effort. In my case for example my paternal side of my family is in Swaziland and my maternal side is all over South Africa, Upington, Cape town, Joburg and its not so easy to visit people. So before we black people become financially independent will only see our relatives leaving far away only during sad times.

  4. thanks Nontando and Anonymous and you too Yoyo. I guess black people have responsibilities and things to take care of that are different from white people... well... here is SA at least. but yes it's true financial constraints do keep families apart. but my cousin and brother have come up with a reunion idea [independently]. luckily for me they both told me about their ideas and i've hooked them up... so hopefully, i will be seeing my family in a much better setting this December. kinda reminds me of old times when i was knee-high!
