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"A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside." ~ Denis Waitley
Hello and welcome to my blog.

Thank you for taking the time out to travel through life with me. I'm still trying to discover blogging. Right now I'm going to use this as a platform to air my random views. I invite you to share your valuable insights and concerns by clicking on 'comments'. It might be easier to comment if you have a gmail account or are a follower. I will try to update the blog weekly.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Losing Joie de Vie

I hate weeks like this.

Recently I struggle to get out of bed. I don't have a problem with getting up in the morning. I'm usually up just after 5am. Sometimes I force myself to get back to sleep. I wish it was summer because then I'd take a jog or something. Anyway... Usually I toss and turn, read some scriptures, toss some more and on a good day jump out at 7:15am. I know it's 7:15am because that is when they finish the morning news. It's not uncommon for me to get up at 7:40am. Mind you work starts at 8am. I'm not the fastest person in the morning and work is a 20 minute walk from my flat... FLIP! I take some chances. I thank Heavenly Fathers for taxis that take me straight to the front gate at work. Back to jumping out of bed... Some mornings I wonder why I have to shower... Hmmm... when that happens, you know that something is amiss...

It took a while to figure out the depressing feeling that overwhelmes me in the morning. I used to cry and wonder why am I so depressed. It felt like I had lost my joie de vie. I had nothing to be motivated about, nothing that inspired me, my enthusiasm sapped out of my very being... I was going through the motions because I signed a contract with my employer promising to show up on certain days, arriving at the said time for a prescribed about of time. And oh yes... promised to render a specified service. I don't want to do that anymore...

Initially I thought it was the job that wasn't me. I felt that it didn't complement my personality. It didn't challenge my intelligence [btw at high school some friends called me Einstein and I've also been called Megabyte], too much routine, no room for creativity. Simply put it was a mixture of all the wrong things. I am at a loss of wonderful adjectives so I'm failing to paint the picture for you but I sincerly hope you can see what I mean. Recently though there are interpersonal politics coming into play. Not mine per se... but I am noticing things, cliques, management styles, deceit, envy, gossip and lies. It's like I'm on a TV show.

I can handle my own demons... But a workplace where people wear smiles as they greet you, and then nestled in their secrete places whisper in hushed tones their objections about what you said and did; I can't take that. I would rather you be honest and not front at all. I appreciate the office mate that didn't greet me. I knew where I stood. But please don't make a mockery of me by pretending to be on my side when your intentions are just to bring me down!

This workplace sucks, but I refuse lose my zest for life on your request!


  1. I hope I'm not the non-greeting office mate. Hi Unathi (just in case).
    So much I would like to say to here, but the most important thing to say is this:
    BRAVO on your closing statement. Bravo.

  2. If it is any consolation, know that you are not the only one that goes through such moments. Some of us at times are called upon to wim in deep waters - better shallow then deep.

  3. hey im going to start a blog soon too...inspired

  4. Hey S... You are a great office buddy, so you can relax. And to Viwe and Barbara [she sent an email], guys I don't know how you have survived... Even though I'm in a puddle... It's a dirty puddle... Full of nasty things and people... I just pray for strength to hold on to my sanity like you. Finally Lisa, go for it girl!
