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"A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside." ~ Denis Waitley
Hello and welcome to my blog.

Thank you for taking the time out to travel through life with me. I'm still trying to discover blogging. Right now I'm going to use this as a platform to air my random views. I invite you to share your valuable insights and concerns by clicking on 'comments'. It might be easier to comment if you have a gmail account or are a follower. I will try to update the blog weekly.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sunshine in my Heart

For the first time in what seems like ages I woke up and I wasn't feeling sick. Yes, just like that, the morning sickness disappeared :) Guess who's gonna be smiling for days! My breasts felt heavy as always, but I can live with that.

It's been close to seven weeks of hell! Each morning filled with so much dread. I was beginning to hate my life because all I did was complain and go on and on and on about how sick I've been feeling. I'd spend days in bed. Mind you I'd get up, make up the bed and curl on top of it. Almost always around lunch time. I did this because... I don't know why. It just felt better than staying under covers all day long. My only purpose was to make sure I mastered enough strength to make that bed. It always felt like such a gigantic achievement, especially since at times it'd take and hour to accomplish that simple task...

Yeah! Pregnancy is not for sissies... Today I'm up nice and early... By up I mean I'm actually out of bed! I'm dressed; not washed yet. And I've already had a marshmallow Easter egg :) It sure feels good to be me today!
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