Come in...

"A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside." ~ Denis Waitley
Hello and welcome to my blog.

Thank you for taking the time out to travel through life with me. I'm still trying to discover blogging. Right now I'm going to use this as a platform to air my random views. I invite you to share your valuable insights and concerns by clicking on 'comments'. It might be easier to comment if you have a gmail account or are a follower. I will try to update the blog weekly.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Four Eyes: That's Me

one good thing about being married is that your spouse can tell when your eyesight begins to fail. such was the case with me. last week, my husband took me to the optomestrist and guess what... turns out that i'm far-sighted. this means i can see far but not so well when things are up close. i guess it kinda explains why i was feeling dyslexic for a while...

Don't I just look intelligent :)
my spectacles arrived sometime this week and we went to fetch them. i thought i'd look like a nerd in them, but it's not so bad hey. they look stylish... and guess what? my husband picked the frame. i put the on the minute we left the optometrist's office. i feel like such a giant because everything is up close and yet i feel like i'm so high up. it's a strange feeling and walking is even stranger. i feel like a baby... i feel like i walk like a duck...

anyway, i wanted to show you the new me... i'm at home right now and this is the picture i took with the webcam.... so you must excuse the quality...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's My Party and I'll Cry if I Want To

I think I've had about 600 hairstyles in the last 3 years.

Well... I think that speaks for itself

The event organising kinda landed on my lap. I think I've learned a few nifty tricks as well :)

We all need to belong to a good union that goes on strike every now and then! Otherwise, why do we work...

My husband took that picure the last time in was in CT... We were in Camps Bay.

YUP! That H O T T I E  belongs to me :)

I had to blur the street name to protect my friend... But if you are in town and know where to find us, pop in! The more the merrier...

One nice thing about being at SAIAB is all the free Xhosa lesson I had. New word of the month is: ntiga... my husband says it means to soar... like the birds... high up in the sky :)

I'm leaving town... It's starting to settle in. My friends at work have organised a little party to send me off. The pictures above are from the slide show they emailed. It's so cute :) I will miss them much. I'll put some pictures up on the blog some time later when I settle in at my new home.

I'm hungry and I'm off to lunch now... I still have soooo many things to do before I leave this joint....

Peace out!
Enhanced by Zemanta

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Hello... since today is one of those days that will never happen again... you know what i mean... because i know someone out there is getting clever and is mumbling: so is every other day... but take a look at the number play for a while and you will get what i mean... i figured since i haven't written in a long time i should just share some fun facts with you so that you may get to know me better...

who am i?
well... i think this one is easy. i'm UNATHI. i'm the first of three children but people often think i'm the last born. i think it's because they think i'm spoilt... i beg to differ... i've been showered with love. that is how i would put it.
where do i come from?
i come from good stock! my parents are both teachers. so i will always respect teachers. they do such an amazing job. my dad works in a 'normal' school and my mom in a school for mentally handicapped children. growing up i used to relish stories about my parent's dayd to day activities at school. i was born in apartheid SA but i didn't realise it until after 1993, possible mid 1994. i was aware of people going on toyi-toyis and stuff, but i always stayed away from that. i was too young anyway. my parents never taught me hate, but rather love of self. i treasure the fact that i come from The Friendly City, Port Elizabeth.
where have i been?
well! i've been to a lot of places. both literally and figuratively. i've lived with people from a diversity of cultures and socio-economic backgrounds. i've experienced hurt, pain, joy, hope, confusion, distress and immense ecstacy. i wouldn't dare say that i've done it all. but i've seen a lot. some of which i wish i didn't see. i've had my naivity smacked right out of me. i've been traumatised by the things i've seen in the work place!
where am i going?
i'm still trying to figure this one out. i know... old as i am... but hey! i'm enjoying the journey. i have just quit my job and i'm leaving everything i know and love behind. i love adventures and i believe that life shouldn't be approached with trepidation. i belive that as long the people that matter suppoort me, then it doesn't matter what anyone else says. 
what makes me wake up?
sunrise! really. who needs an alarm when there is dawn... often i wake up before the sun rises. but anyway... things that make me wake up is my family. the opportunity to love them and be loved back... that is worth the early morning wake up call.
what are my pet peeves?
hypocrites... goody-two-shoes... mean people...and people who think they are better than others...
my favourites...
blue, vw bettle, home made lasagne, receiving hugs, glorious food!
miscellenious things i couldn't fit under a heading...
i am left handed. and i used to bake banana loaf to sell.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

New Beginnings

There is something liberating about a count down. I’m sure we are all familiar with the most famous count-down off all. It happens every year without fail. Many will torture themselves and pump their stomach full of energy drinks just so that they don’t miss the moment. Others will gather en masse at public places, others in more private settings.  Some will cuddle up with a bowl of popcorn, while millions adorn glow sticks and all together, the people of the globe one by one wait their turn to hail in the New Year!

While pyrotechnicians embellish the sky with firework displays, many resolve to dump old habits and boyfriend, learn new skill and in essence become better persons. I’ve never been anywhere where New Year’s Eve is not full of energy and vooma. There’s something about new beginnings that spurs people on.

I guess I’m filled with the same energy and excitement. There are two months left before the year comes to an end, but my own personal life is taking a direction that is so new to me that I can’t help but be excited. I can’t explain the feeling. I’m leaving everything I know behind; all my creature comforts and all my hiding places. I am going to a new home. A new neighbourhood. A new city. A new lifestyle. A new purpose. A new focus. A new name. A new life. A fresh beginning.

The only thing I’m taking with me that is old is my clothes. I’m tempted to give them away as well as start completely afresh. 

New life, endless possibilities!
 Now and then pangs of fear creep in. But I refuse to entertain thoughts that might cripple me. I’ve complained about my condition for far too long and it’s about time I took charge of the things that I’m in control of. I refuse to let doubt cloud my judgment. Living safely has made me miserable somewhat… it’s time I took some risks! I want a chance at happiness too.

So, my count-down begins. In 20 days I bid farewell to Grahamstown, City of Saints. Then I take a detour to Port Elizabeth, I’ve got to get some love from my mother [I’ve always been a mama’s baby], father, brother and sister. And then it’s HELLO Cape Town! I’m ready to paint the town in my favourite colours…

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Don't Judge a Book by its Cover

Generally I'm an open book. I can hardly keep my own secrets secret. I find that I have to share! I share everything I can, and I appreciate a willing audience... okay, I accept that most of the time my audience is compelled to listen... but the story is still the same... I love to share. If I were a celebrity, I would invite the press to my home.
I have a good reason why I love to share so much. Mainly I don't like gossip. And I loath rumours, especially if they are about me. So to circumvent that, I've devised a plan to kinda tell my secrets.

But that being said, I still love some privacy. I love keeping certain things to myself. There are some big changes in my life at present. Initially I had told just a few people, simply because they were intergral to having the secret thing happen. It's kinda like when you are planning a secret party of sorts and the baker and the florist know what's going on except the person in whose honour the party is being held. I had such a secret... Only in my case, the baker slash florist went and told the press... Now my secret has been headline news for some time now, so to speak!

I hate it when that happens. Why do people assume that just because I love sharing what goes on in my life, that that gives them permission to publish my news? So what if it's good news? We are conditioned from an early age to not say bad things about each other. And that apparently rumours are made up of bad things only. Well, if it's not your news to tell, don't tell it. Good or bad! If I don't mention it on FB, twitter of even the blog, please respect my right to tell my own stories.

That is all i had to say today... I jut wanted to vent!

You will know the secret soon. Sooner than you think...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Life, Oh Life!

I also want to have more life in my years :)
Man… So much has happened. I’m back in town and online, but not for long. I don’t think I’ve even had the time to rest my little head and precious feet. I’ve got other adventures tugging at me from all sides.

The sick person I went to see is really sick. It’s a challenging condition both mentally and physically. So many people are affected. All I can say is that this is life-changing. It’s also weird that even though there is this challenging condition to deal with, life seems to be full of hope; full of promise and good fortune. I know that it’s prompted a few changes in my life.

For starters, my boyfriend’s mother told me to scrap my ‘lifestyle change’ – aka my diet :) hmmm…. And I must say I find that I enjoy food more. I feel happy when I eat. I feel so happy I went to buy some vegetables :)

For the main course, I’ve decided to resign. I’m handing in letter in a few minutes. It’s best this way. I’ve been talking about how unhappy I am at work since the beginning of this blog. I fear that I’m starting to sound like a scratched CD [my 17 year old sister won’t know what a broken record is]. So I’ve done what most consider unthinkable. I’ve resigned and I have not job waiting for me. Well, as far as I’m concerned, my sanity comes first. Few people understand how miserable I get because of this job. Maybe it’s not the job, maybe it’s my attitude. Either way, it’s almost three years and the status quo hasn’t changed. It’s time to move on. And moving on is what I will be doing.

Now for dessert, I’ve decided to go back to school. Well… Technically I’m still at school. Got my thesis to finish… But after that, I will be back at school doing another thesis, this time on Genetic Counselling. It’s a combination of three things that I love: talking, people and genetics :) I must just find the application deadline from their website… Otherwise I’m going to call in favours.

Aaaaahhhhh…. I feel so happy and light…
Enhanced by Zemanta

Monday, September 13, 2010

Be Right Back

Hey guys...

Something dreadful has come up and I will be away for the rest of the week. I can't divulge all the details now but I will at a later stage. As I write this, I'm getting ready to leave town in 29 minutes. It's going to be a long journey through the night. I must say, this 9/11 weekend has been one I won't forget for a long time.

It's a mixture of both good and bad. My cousin had a brand new child on Friday! So it's safe to say I have a brand new niece! It's his first girl child and she has three older brothers. All children are named after family; and this one is named after my aunt, her grandmother. I know some of you are going to say... but it's not your niece and blah blah blah... Well when you are African like I am, then your cousin's children are as good as your sibling's children. Your mother's aunt is as good as your own grandmother... So... you find that African children have a multitude of grandparent, aunts, cousins, nephews and nieces... Sometimes the lines are blurred! And everyone becomes a brother or a sister... That was the one good thing that happened this weekend.

We also had my cousin's funeral. I mention him in the post just before this one. It was such a huge funeral. I've never met so much family in one go. I can't even quantify it for you. I don't think I'll ever meet all my family in this life time. The service was great and I am glad that I had a cousin like Mandilakhe. We were just a few months apart and we did almost everthing together when we were knee high. He was my hero actually... lol... hahahahahahaha.... yeah! He didn't really do anything heroic but he knew karate and that was enough for me.

Someone close to me fell ill over the weekend and has been admitted to hospital. That is the reason of my pending absence. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to speak about it... Since a lot of people don't know yet; and of course it's not my story. I'm a sharing person and that makes me feel good. That is the reson why I started this blog. I wanted to speak the crap out of my life. I also understand that some people like a certain measure of privacy...

Guys let me be off... I'll be back soon.

Love you all :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Good day

I'm still learning this bloggin thing and it took a while to learn how to add text with this video that I want to share with you. A friend send me a link to this on youtube and I recognised the advert immediately. I'm sorry to say I didn't have a clue who Messi was at the time this ad flighted in my country. If I recall correctly, it was a few years back. My football knowledge has always been dismal so... Please forgive me.

This video just reminded me that nothing is impossible. We all have hardships and are sometimes put in difficult situations. However through all of that, we must remember that we have skills and talents. We have that at our disposal so that we can remove ourselves from tricky situations. Life is not always going to be easy, but it doesn't have to be hard either. So... I just want to live you with one word today... Go for it! Whatever it is that you are dreaming about... Just do it...

Surprise yourself.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dreams and Resolutions

I just got news that a lady who is dear to me has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). This news comes just days after I found out that my cousin is in hospital in a critical condition and is suffering from meningitis.

To be honest; I've lost touch with my friend and cousin over the last few months, and I don't think that a few occasional on their Facebook profiles count as keeping in touch. I still care deeply for both and will keep them in my prayers. The fact that your life can be so full and overwhelming and then in a twinkle be swiftly changed to an unfamiliar state scares the black out of me. Both these guys are young... Full of promise and aspirations; so much for them to see, do and feel.

However there is something about their present conditions which brings me to resolve a few things. Now I know that resolutions are things that we do at New Year's Day and then spend the whole year tryin to find reasons why we don't care much about fulfilling them. However since I've had to dael with some pretty disturbing news and I guess I've had to endure my own personal hell; which hell seriously puts in jeopardy my sanity. I must confess I have a new respect for mental health. Just yesterday another friend was telling me about how the doctor sent him off to a 'retreat' because he was under immense stress. I've had two friends that I know of who've been to this kind of 'retreat'. Both were sent there because of personal problems. My mental anguish however stems from my work environment and it is quickly spilling into my personal life. If I don't watch out I might have to go to the 'retreat' myself... I've said before that I'm losing my joie de vie. I guess to protect myself and those I care about I've decided to do the following thing:
  • regular exercise
  • finish my thesis
  • write regularly
  • read more
  • create more bookmarks and
  • dream BIG!!!
 I'm a fan of dreaming big! my dreams sustain me and give me hope for a better tomorrow. Right now my big dream is a simple one. I want to take some time off to just be me. So don't be surprised if one of these days you bump into me carrying a shopping bag during your work hours :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Long Absense

Hello guys...

I've been gone for a while hey! phew... sorry about that. I picked up a really bad flu virus from this girl I know and it had it's way with me for a few weeks... I took some time off work and went home to get some rest...

I figured I really needed some rest... life is hard when you hate your job! okay... maybe hate is a strong word... but I really really dislike it... I hope that is diplomatic enough. I try to focus on good things... okay... maybe good things is also not the right word.... I focus on what I can get out of this job... I have to psych myself up daily just to see the pay off... Mainly because I have to convince myself that the pay off really is a pay off.

Some of the things I've considered is a good reference... This is my first real job ever so I desparately need a good reference... unless I go off and become my own boss... and I've thought about that numerous times. I think I spend most of my time cooking up business ideas. I keep an "ideas journal" just for that... It used to be a "dates journal"... but that is a whole other post... it should suffice to say that I'm going green and recycling... btw I recycle gifts too... except for shoes and handbags...

The other pay offs I guess are for my own personal benefit... you know, character building stuff... Hanging in when things are bad and it seems too hard to carry on; saying nothing to the mean girls when all you want to do is dish up a warm serving of a b!&#h slap; going on strike and forfeiting a whole week's pay becuase the employers is negotiating in bad faith and paying you peanuts; surviving office politics and all sort of nonsense.... Bitter-sweet things... It's as Azania Ndoro said: "Maintain your relationships. They won't necessarily pay off immediately, but working well with people is critical, no matter what you do."

Anyway... One thins is for sure... I'm destined for big, great, elaborate and amazing things... I make my own pay offs; my own destiny. I am the author of my life [can't remember who said that] and I choose to love my life no matter how hard it is...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Come Thou Fountain of Every Blessing

Hey guys....

I just love this hymn...  If you don't know the performers you need to keep up with the times. This choir is the best things since sliced bread...

follow the youtube link :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Stupid Things I Do

I walked into a shop to dressed like a thug too see if they would throw me out; but I ended up posing with one of the floor managers :)

I take pictures of spiders I'm too scared to kill!
I adopt special friends...

Sometimes I make funny faces when no-one is watching!
I get my friends to see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Bread & Butter

I’ve only be working for two years. In a few days I can add six months to that tally… So it’s given I don’t have a lot of experiences to draw form in order to offer an opinion that you can trust… However, I think I’ve learnt enough to share a few ideas for those who are still to start the rat race or even those who are just finishing their first lap… The following is a tiny list of things I’ve learnt so far… Most are bad but I tried to find some good in all.

1. Playground Politics – all the silly childhood things you thought that you will escape when you enter the adult world of working find their way back to you. Only… people don’t spit in your face, call you names, pull your pigtails and chase you away. They go Super Sayan 4 on you… They jeer and snicker, quote Acts and bylaws, hold meetings and systematically plot your downfall. I think I forgot one more; they suck bum. Tip: Be brave and don’t suck bum… Because no matter how much you sugar-coat it, crap is still crap.

2. Be Streets Smart –There is a lot to be said about good education. I mean why else would our parents sacrifice so much for us. But ke, some things just don’t come standard with a degree… like common sense and adaptability. Clever people will do really STUPeD things. They marry the wrong person, loose their money on horses and bring cake for tea! Tip: Embrace common sense; shun stupidity.

3. Health Hazard – Stupid people are bad for your health. You will suffer headaches, tummy aches, sore muscles, heart palpitations, dry throat, night terrors, ulcers and even incontinence because of the stupidity of some individuals in the workplace. Tip: Surround yourself with positive and intelligent people.

4. Join a Union That Functions – Trade unions are like that reprobate boyfriend that promised you the world only to dump you when you are 7 months pregnant having promised you the moon, the stars, nice pay, an AC in your office, ergonomic chairs, and a good health plan. When things are good, it’s good. When the going gets tough, the union gets going. Tip: Choose your arbitrator wisely.

5. Gossip Girl XOXO – okay, so it’s confirmed King P and L are more than just in cohorts; they are a modern day Bonnie and Clyde. Spotted: E coming in to work more than intoxicated; he’s…. drunk… and yes… N is sick today… again! S will never stop blowing that vuvuzela and Queen P just passed U and jumped straight to V! Careful Queen P there is one thing that U knows well, and that is revenge. Until then, you know you love me, XOXO... Gossip Girl. Wrong! Tip: Nobody loves a gossip monger in the work place.

6. Twinkle, twinkle little star – Truer words have never been spoken. There is always someone who wants to take credit for your ideas. Don’t be surprised when you find that your ideas are someone else’s accessories. The old adage is true: empty vessels make the most noise. Tip: Protect your IP at all costs.

Now, there is a lot I could have written here… but then you would have a hard time assimilating everything. Also, I don’t want you to think that work is all bad. I mean… You could be working for Google! Hello! But seriously, some bosses work hard at staff retention and others don’t give a hoot. Mine doesn’t. Some jobs pay well. Mine doesn’t. Some jobs are satisfying. Mine isn’t. Tip to self: find a job that makes me want to JUMP out of bed!

Working is good for you; moreover a good job is divine. It pays for bread and butter… And I loooove my bread and butter!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Losing Joie de Vie

I hate weeks like this.

Recently I struggle to get out of bed. I don't have a problem with getting up in the morning. I'm usually up just after 5am. Sometimes I force myself to get back to sleep. I wish it was summer because then I'd take a jog or something. Anyway... Usually I toss and turn, read some scriptures, toss some more and on a good day jump out at 7:15am. I know it's 7:15am because that is when they finish the morning news. It's not uncommon for me to get up at 7:40am. Mind you work starts at 8am. I'm not the fastest person in the morning and work is a 20 minute walk from my flat... FLIP! I take some chances. I thank Heavenly Fathers for taxis that take me straight to the front gate at work. Back to jumping out of bed... Some mornings I wonder why I have to shower... Hmmm... when that happens, you know that something is amiss...

It took a while to figure out the depressing feeling that overwhelmes me in the morning. I used to cry and wonder why am I so depressed. It felt like I had lost my joie de vie. I had nothing to be motivated about, nothing that inspired me, my enthusiasm sapped out of my very being... I was going through the motions because I signed a contract with my employer promising to show up on certain days, arriving at the said time for a prescribed about of time. And oh yes... promised to render a specified service. I don't want to do that anymore...

Initially I thought it was the job that wasn't me. I felt that it didn't complement my personality. It didn't challenge my intelligence [btw at high school some friends called me Einstein and I've also been called Megabyte], too much routine, no room for creativity. Simply put it was a mixture of all the wrong things. I am at a loss of wonderful adjectives so I'm failing to paint the picture for you but I sincerly hope you can see what I mean. Recently though there are interpersonal politics coming into play. Not mine per se... but I am noticing things, cliques, management styles, deceit, envy, gossip and lies. It's like I'm on a TV show.

I can handle my own demons... But a workplace where people wear smiles as they greet you, and then nestled in their secrete places whisper in hushed tones their objections about what you said and did; I can't take that. I would rather you be honest and not front at all. I appreciate the office mate that didn't greet me. I knew where I stood. But please don't make a mockery of me by pretending to be on my side when your intentions are just to bring me down!

This workplace sucks, but I refuse lose my zest for life on your request!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

To Myo: The Straw that Finally Broke the Camel's Back

Hey guys...

Earlier today a friend I met over an online game asked me a random question. "Do you have a blog Una?" I almost couldn't catch my breath. How did she know that I've been considering blogging? It's been a while. I've toyed with the idea thinking that maybe in a few months from now when I have the time I'd do it. Yolisa had urged me to go for it. Xolelwa had challenged that I approach this task with abandon. You know, let myself loose so to speak. I soon came to understand that a goal based on when-I-have-time will just never be realised. So I decided to view a few blogs... Belonging to friends and then... Thinking of Myo's question earlier today... Filled with excitement and enthusiasm I clicked Create Blog and the rest is history.

Initially I wanted to create a travel blog... That is why I wanted to wait a few months. I wanted to visit a few places so that I can have things to write about and to share with you. But since I didn't wait, I've decided to see which way the wind blows and I will then edit my profile or description or whatever it is that needs editing later on...

Oh btw I like to put a lot of... in my writing... It's a bad habit and I can't seem to shake it off. So you will just have to live with it.

I'm not sure what to say now and in a creative writing class I took two years back they said it is okay to write that you are going thru a block. Hopefully something will come up before I get to the end of the page... Actually something just did...

I dedicate this very first post to Myo. May our friendship last till the next life to come :) I love all my friends and I just want the whole world to know that life is a lot more fun with enduring friendships...

Cheers :)